Mike Brand
Sketches Sometimes
Gallery Album Catalogue Sketches Sometimes


Kindertransport Set, Lighting and Sound Design
Progress Theatre, 27 Oct-1 Nov 2008
They were a lucky cast to have such an imaginative and thoroughly workable set,
which made use of every inch of the stage.
The props and set-dressing looked as if they had stepped out from the 30s, 40s and 50s.
My congratulations must go to Mike Brand for his amazing design, lighting and sound.
Pauline Gray

The attic set, which doubled for past and present,
was excellent in illustrating many metaphors.
Chris Booth

The fact that these two threads happen in the same space - the attic standing in for railway platforms
and other houses - and that the scenes and times overlap could lead to confusion but never does. ...
A moving play that contains puzzles, surprises and guilt and held together by a fine set, smooth lighting,
good direction and most importantly some strong performances.
AF Harrold

From the innovative set design to the stunningly convincing characters,
I enjoyed every aspect of this performance.
Siobhan Burke
Timebox Website
© Mike Brand